Health Care, Tax, and VA Reform: Speaker Ryan's Remarks from Weekly Press Briefing

Press Release

Date: April 27, 2017

Today during his weekly press conference, Speaker Ryan discussed actions to improve accountability at the VA, fix our tax code, and repeal and replace Obamacare.

Opening Remarks:


"First, I want to welcome all of our special guests today. I think it is great to see you here, and it's great you get to see the work your parents do. Don't tell them this, but they're actually kind of good at their jobs."


"Later today, the president will sign an executive order to improve accountability at the VA. Under the Obama administration, not nearly enough was done to hold bureaucrats accountable for failing veterans at our Veterans Affairs. Despite promises to clean things up, only a smattering of people were moved out of their jobs. Only a smattering of people were held accountable. Last month, the House passed the VA Accountability Act, to make it easier to bring the kind of steady leadership that VA medical centers so desperately need.

"And last week, the president signed legislation to reduce out-of-pocket costs for veterans and to promote better access to care. These are all very positive steps to deliver the kind of fundamental reform that is needed at the VA.

"This adds to what has already been a very incredibly active first 100 days. Under the president's leadership, we have cut red tape at record levels. Cutting red tape saves families dollars, it saves businesses jobs. In fact, we have saved families and businesses $67 billion already. Yesterday, the administration put out its principles for pro-growth tax reform. That's the next step toward overhauling our tax code."


"And we continue to make real progress in our work to repeal and replace Obamacare. As you saw, we have posted an amendment to the American Health Care Act yesterday. This amendment was the result of constructive conversations among our members that focused on how we can do more to lower costs for everyone.

"What this amendment does is it give states more flexibility and tools to reduce premiums and increase choices. And it does this while maintaining and preserving protections for people with pre-existing conditions. This is the important point: those protections remain on the books, even as we add new ones.

"The goal here is to give states greater flexibility, if they want it, to lower premiums. We have not yet made any decisions on a vote. But this is more progress. And we will continue our progress and our work to repeal and replace Obamacare."
